Sunday, December 25, 2011

Bless Our Nest- Grayson is here

I made and sold this sign a while back, but wanted to share it on this special Christmas Day.

Grayson Isaac was born on Friday 12-23-11 at 10:16pm.  After a quick labor and succesful VBA2C! He weighed 8bs 5oz, 22 inches long (that explains him being in my ribs!).

We had to stay just 24 hrs so we were home by midnight Christmas Eve and Santa was able to surprise our older boys with lots of presents.

Giving birth to a baby at Christmas, puts a whole new spin on what Mary and Joseph must have been thinking/ doing so long ago. I could not imagine giving birth (natural!) in a barn, in the cold, with just my husband. She is a remarkable woman!

Christ is born! Merry Christmas!!

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