Friday, February 10, 2012

Hi! It's been a while...

It's been a while since I posted. Both my husband and I went back to work after Grayson's birth. (I work part-time for MADD). The older boys are back at school and we have just been busy, busy, busy. So with the hustle & bustle of real life, my blog was put on the back burner.  Here are many of the signs available for sale at High Cotton Gifts & Art.  Open Fridays & Saturdays from 10a-5p.

16x3.5 Font- Too Much Paper! 
Hand-painted- Off-white & Maize.
17.5x4 Font- Brady Bunch 
Hand-painted- Blue & Green
18x3.5 Font- PMingLiU
Hand-painted- Lavender & Off-white
8x3.5 Font- Custom
Hand-painted- Off-white & Maize
7x3.5 Font- Custom 
Colors- Brown & Blue

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