Friday, August 31, 2012

My imaginary world

So, I have a gazillon (7 or 8) signs that I need to put on this blog. But, I seem to only get around to doing that about once a month. I don't wish for a maid (yes I do). I wish I had someone just take awesome pictures of my signs and post them on the blog for me while I look at Pinterest.

I am not wanting an amazing blog full of awesome craft projects (yes I do). I just can't figure out how some of the amazing bloggers out there (i.e. Mandi at* do it all and have time to shave their legs.  Tonight I decided to post on my blog and will shave my legs another day.

Anyway, here's another sign.  Rescued this brand spanking new cabinet front out of someone's trash. It sat in my shed for months before I decided to put some words to it.

 In my dream world where I give birth to a baby girl, I would put this on a shelf in her nursery. The nursery would be blush and bashful and have a lot of polka-dots and ruffles. There I go imagining again.
I do tell my boys this. But, I also add handsome and say are vs is, but that is just me being picky. 

Sign available for sale at High Cotton

I could smack myself for not measuring this.  I'll guess that it measures 16"h x 20"w. Baby pink vinyl. Font is Arial and Monotype Corvisa.

Another thing in my imaginary world, I mean seriously, this would rock my face off! (that's a shout-out to my friend Chris)

*Honestly, if I just randomly ran into her at Homegoods or Goodwill (our version of the DI- if you read her blog you would get that) I would have the police called on me for stalking her around the store. She is my celebrity crush. Her and that drummer guy that sings about shoes

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Wash your hands

I saw this sign on Pinterest and I knew I had to make it.  But, like most pins they go into a pile of "will do this someday".  But, a previous customer asked me to make one for her.  And I obviously couldn't say no.  So here it is.  Thank you "You've Been Framed" for your inspiration.

Sign measures 22"x11". Black and teal vinyl. Fonts: Times New Roman, Aharoni, Vingy, Pointedly Mad, Whipper Basic, Monotype Corsiva, Witches Magic 

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Love & Marriage

On June 18th, Jeramie and I celebrated our 7th wedding anniversary. I am very blessed. He is a wonderful husband and father. I think we make a great team. I'm not a very mushy person, but I do have to say "he's my peanut butter and I'm his jelly".

So my friend Chris got married on New Year's Eve 2010. Wonderful, awesome wedding. Here is Jeramie and I dancing the night away at the Callaway's Wedding. 

Chris called and wanted a wedding sign made for her best friend Brittany who is getting married this September.

My very first sign I made was for Chris & Casey for their wedding. 
 I was very appreciative when she called and ask me to make one for her friend. 
I hope Brittany and her husband have a wonderful marriage. 
I pray the good days out weigh the bad. May God bless them with children. And I pray they always put each other first.

Best wishes on your upcoming marriage.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Oh my! Oh my! Oh Dinosaurs!

So Eli moved to a "big boy" bed almost a year ago. But, it was just a mattress on rails. So my dad built him a bed and we got new bedding. Out with the previous theme: planes, trains & cars, and in with the dinosaurs.
Eli & Campbell jumping on the new bed. Poor picture quality- taken with my cell phone.

 Here are three out of four of my favorite men at the dinosaur exhibit at the Memphis Zoo.

So we got the bedding from Pottery barn kids. Don't you just LOVE the dinosaur painting!?!?! Yeah, me too. But I don't love the price tag. So I had to make one.

Here is my version. It is smaller than the one above.  
Click on images for a larger view and to see more detail.

 No particular reason for choosing dinosaurs except I love the way Eli says "Rawr!" 
  And by the way, every animal says "Rawr". Dogs- "Rawr!" Cats- "Rawr!"  Birds- "Rawr!"  
Hope we can get that straightened out by kindergarten. 

22"x24".  Handpainted and colors are hand mixed.

I have plans for another dinosaur piece for his room. Hopefully, I'll start working on that soon!

Friday, May 4, 2012

A surprise gift

I met a new friend at my MOPS group.  Her family moved to Memphis from California almost a year ago (very brave). She is the mom of two boys and wants four boys!

I told her to hang out with me and she will be on her way to a quiver full of boys. So she came over to hang out about a month ago.  Our boys played together and she helped me design her signs.

She asked me to make her two signs. The first will hang in her living room above her collection of crosses.
Sign measures 30" by 5.5". Font is Gabriola. Font color is dark umber brown. Board color is custom distressed barn wood paint.

Her second sign is a birthday present for her husband.
Sign measures 22" by 11". Font is Monotype Corvisa and Garamond. Font color is off-white. Board color is dark umber brown.

Friday, April 27, 2012

To the moon

When I drive down the road, slam on brakes and turn the car quickly around, my four year old immediately says "Are we getting some wood?".  Yes, I am that crazy person that will go through your trash.

But, by doing this, I found some pretty awesome old wood. Someone tore down an old fence and I picked up 2 boards. No matter how you try, you cannot make new boards look as awesome as old weathered ones.

I am still kicking myself for not getting all of it. But two things stopped me. First, I didn't want to look too crazy going through someone's trash.  Second, I would have had to leave one of my kids behind in order to put all that old fence in my van.  I couldn't decide which kid to leave behind... that makes me a good mom right?

So with my two boards I made this sign. I kept one and hung it in our playroom. The other sign if for sale at High Cotton. Go buy it! Because there are only two in the whole world :)

Sign measures 55" x 7.5". Font is Arial. Font color is maize. Board color weathered fence wood.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Oh! It's been a while...

It's been a while since I have last posted pictures of my signs. No particular reason for lack of posts. I am still working on signs. I have just been.... busy.
But aren't we all.

So here is a sign I made today. I LOVE it. I want to keep it because it matches Grayson's nursery so well. But I won't... (*sniff, sniff*)

It is for sale at High Cotton for $75. So go buy it.
Because it is A.W.E.S.O.M.E!

It is painted on old barn wood from the early 1900s. (At least that is what I was told by the man who I got the wood from. He tears down old houses and barns.... what a cool job)

I took LOTS of pictures. Photo bomb starts... now.

My sister (she has a lot of opinions) told me what to do for this sign. (90% of the time her opinion is spot on). If she got paid for her opinions, then we'd probably be on a beach right now, sipping margaritas, while a nanny changed dirty diapers.

Sign measures 53 1/2" by 5.5". Font Happy Serif. Font color- white. Board color- 1900s old barn wood blue.